Far East Bloomers, Japan
Taipei Vanguard, Taiwan
Shilin High School of Commerce, Taiwan
International Earth Stars, North America
Allies, Hong Kong
NineVics, Korea
Far East Bloomers, Japan
Congratulations on the fifth tournament being held! We are honored to be taking part in the tournament for five years in a row. Phoenix Cup is one of the few if not only international tournament of women's baseball being held for five consecutive years and we would like to pay our highest respect to the great enthusiasm of Hong Kong Baseball Association for organizing the tournament. Despite there were quite a number of major disasters recently, we would like to enjoy playing baseball with the joy of being on the field in Hong Kong in our heart. As in the past tournament, we strive for the championship with our great team spirit. |
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Taipei Vanguard, Taiwan
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Shilin High School of Commerce, Taiwan
士林高商女子棒球隊成員以士林高商女子壘球隊為主,士商女壘隊已成立十餘年,培育出無數國家隊選手. 2011年士林高商成立女子棒球隊後,參加台灣100年度全國女子棒球錦標賽榮獲冠軍.2012年受邀參加亞洲保險鳳凰盃錦標賽,希望藉此機會和各國好手交流,提升球員國際視野. |
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International Earth Stars, North America
International Earth Stars (IES) is a women's tournament baseball team that includes players and coaches from Planet Earth who participate in various women’s, men's, and coed baseball leagues, teams, and competitions around the world. The various levels of experience of the Earth Stars include youth baseball and softball, high school baseball and softball, adult recreational and elite level baseball and softball, collegiate baseball, collegiate softball, professional softball, and women’s national team baseball. Some of its players also have coaching and instructing experience in baseball and softball, and some are women’s baseball organizers and promoters. IES formerly was called the North American Liberty Belles (2009-2010). The team originally was created for the 2009 Hong Kong Phoenix Cup International Women’s Baseball Tournament. Since 2009, it has been playing in several tournaments in addition to the annual Hong Kong Phoenix Cups. In the past couple of years, players and coaches from USA, Canada, China (Shenzhen region), and the Netherlands filled out the Phoenix Cup rosters. In 2012, IES will include players and coaches from Canada, USA, Hong Kong, and the Philippines. The name "International Earth Stars" reflects the team's mission of creating international peace, harmony, and camaraderie through the great game of baseball. |
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Allies, Hong Kong
Allies隊於2007年8月為應香港棒球總會為舉辦此次國際女子棒球錦標賽成立。Allies隊大部份成員曾參加過加2004年於日本舉辦的第四屆女子棒球世界賽及2006、2008、2010年的世界盃女子棒球錦標賽。作為Allies隊成員‚我們非常榮幸能有機會在香港與來自世界各地優秀的女子棒球隊員切磋球技。 我們在上屆鳳凰盃取得第二名,是歷年最好成績。希望我們今年能承接上年佳績,再創造好成績。 最後,我們衷心感謝香港棒球總會的全力支持,令此項國際女子棒球賽事能夠持續地發展。 |
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NineVics, Korea
NineVics is the most famous women’s club baseball team in Korea. NineVics was founded on 25 June, 2005 and it has more than 30 members. ‘NineVics’ means all ‘Nine’ players are trying to achieve ‘Victories’ in harmony. The goal of NineVics is to become a 1) Guiding Star Team, 2) Excellent Team and 3) Best-Loved Team. We also want to contribute to the development of women’s baseball with our passions for baseball. This is the second time to participate in Phoenix Cup. Let’s meet our green girls! |
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