Team Australia, Australia
Far East Bloomers, Japan
Guri-city NineVics Women’s Baseball Team, Korea
Taipei Vanguard Women’s Baseball Team, Taiwan
Shilin High School of Commerce, Taiwan
Allies, Hong Kong
Development Team, Hong Kong
Team Australia, Australia
Our team is 18 Under and is one of the first steps in Australia putting in place a development pathway to our Senior women’s team which will allow Australia to continue its success at the highest level. |
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Far East Bloomers, Japan
Far East Bloomers is a foreign contingent and the members belong to different teams playing both hard balls and rubber balls back in the country.
We had been looking forward to playing in Hong Kong as a team during this off season period for the last 6 years.
We are so glad that we can take part in the tournament again this year.
We see the the matches are getting more competitive throughout the past 5 tournaments and again.
We are going to play full out and strive for the championship this year.
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Guri-city NineVics Women’s Baseball Team, Korea
NineVics was founded in 2005 and now it is the largest (37 members) and the most famous team in Korea.
‘NineVics’ means all ‘Nine’ players are trying to achieve ‘Victories’ in harmony.
The vision of NineVics is to become an outstanding team, a skilled team and a loved team to contribute to the growth and development of women’s baseball.
In 2012, we joined Guri-city and changed our name to “Guri-city NineVics women’s baseball team”.
This is the 4th time to participate in Phoenix Cup and Hong Kong seems like home. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. |
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Taipei Vanguard Women’s Baseball Team, Taiwan
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Shilin High School of Commerce, Taiwan
士林高商女子棒球隊成員以士林高商女子壘球隊為主,士商女壘隊已成立十餘年,培養出無數國家隊選手。2011年士林高商成立女子棒球隊後,2011年受邀參加《亞洲保險鳳凰盃》香港國子女子棒球錦標賽榮獲第一名,希望藉此機會和各國好手交流,提升球員國際視野。 |
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Allies, Hong Kong
Allies 女子棒球隊於2007年8月為參加香港棒球總會2008年啟辦之鳳凰杯香港國際女子棒球錦標賽而成立。Allies隊部分成員曾參加第四屆女子棒球世界賽及IBAF之世界盃女子棒球錦標賽 。我們非常珍惜與來自世界各地的優秀女子棒球隊切磋球技的機會,在歷屆鳳凰盃中,我們均取得佳績。我們希望今屆能作出突破,創造更佳成績。 |
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Development Team, Hong Kong
HK Development Team 主要由一群本地球齡較短的球員組成, 是一支為了 2013鳳凰杯香港國際女子棒球錦標賽而成立的隊伍. 隊中大部份成員都是第一次參與國際性棒球賽事. 球隊希望藉著這次比賽, 讓球員有機會與各地好手交流切磋, 擴闊眼光, 累積經驗, 為未來香港女子棒球的持續發展加入新動力. |
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